
In a universe where everything has its place, and the Gods never end, there was born a small star amidst the infinite darkness being overwhelmed by the shiniest of lights. Disappointing since the start, broken at just appearing, growing up slower than it was supposed to. When assigned its solar systems, the other stars kept their distance from it when it came back with only one sun.

test image lol sorry

To distract itself from the embarrassment of being different, it forgot about taking care of the sun, and used the planets it generated as its small moments of acting as the creatures that bloomed. It ate what they ate, it acted how they acted, it believed in what they were starting to believe... but started showing off its power and superiority as it started to lose its sense of self. Of course, this broke the rules of Perfection the universe had, and its superiors were not glad.

Trigger Warnings, maybe

Possible images, mentions or hints of abandonment, emotional abuse, brainwashing, forced marriage, addiction, hallucinations, intrusive thoughts, self-harm, depression (And manic depression, if it could be explained as that), suicidal ideation, threatening of suicide, kinda eating disorders (?, memory problems, anxiety attacks, death of children, disappearance of a loved one, heavy references and mentions to religion, homophobia + repressed sexuality, really shitty families, and probably more. I apologize for not knowing much about this subject :-(

Source of most of these: Trigger Warning Database

OC List
ng (nameless)